Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 7: A picture of something that makes you happy

For this blog, I decided to make into a Mother's Day blog, seeing as how it was yesterday....and it was awesome! It started on Friday, when Jaylinne had her Mother's Day program at school. I was so excited I could hardly stand it! Last year, they sang songs and each child made their moms a special gift. Last year's gift was a poem with both of her hand prints on it. It's not much of a secret that I'm a complete and total sap. I cry over everything. So naturally, it has been hanging on our fridge since last Mother's Day, and each time I read it, I tear up a little :)

This year, it was the same idea: they practiced a few songs to sing, and they made a little card. I had Ryan record her singing, while I was crouched down in front taking pictures :)

On Sunday, the actual Mother's Day, I slept in. For the past few days I have a had a bad cold, therefore I haven't had a whole lot of energy to do much. Ryan was planning on letting me sleep as long as I could, however,little Jaylinne couldn't stand it any longer. She quietly crept into our bedroom, crawled up in bed with me and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I almost melted when, in her soft little voice, she tells me, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" I looked beside me on the nightstand and there were beautiful flowers waiting for me, and a message written by Jaylinne at the bottom of the card <3 Some days it's overwhelming being a mom. But it's the little things like these that make all the time-outs, temper tantrums, sleepless nights, and the days you just want to pull your hair out, all worth while. This is how I know we are doing everything right.

I spent the day getting pampered by my family, and appreciating all the Moms in my life. I hope everyone's Mother's Day was just as special as mine was!

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