Sunday, March 23, 2014

Taking Back Sunday- March 22, 2014

One of my favorite bands ever, Taking Back Sunday, came to Utah to play a few shows. Before the "big" shows, they played a private show at a local record store that we went to. Super fun!


At the bigger shows, I was able to get a few pictures :) The Used opened up for them, which was cool because they are huge now and originally from Orem!

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014

Ryan and I try to make the holidays fun for Jaylinne- even the little ones. This year, we decided to do something special for her :) After she went to bed, we cut out decorations from paper to hang on the walls and make a "path" for her to follow.


They led her to a "pot of gold" downstairs in the living room.

Ryan got a clever idea of writing her a letter from "Lenny," her leprechaun friend :)

She was so excited! She wore her shirt to school that day, and was pretty excited she wouldn't be getting pinched. After she got home, she even wrote Lenny a thank you note :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Today, dad's dad, Doug, came over to the house for a visit. He brought his wife, Colleen, and also his daughter, Debbie, and her husband, Glen. It was a pretty nice day outside, so we did some playing with the kids in the front yard while everyone was visiting!