Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's a rough life for a one month old

With two little boys at home, my sister, Laura, was all too familiar with bugs, toy guns, and playing in the mud.  She LOVED every minute of it. When she announced that she was again expecting, she was just sure she was going to have another little boy. She would laugh and say, "I almost got myself a whole football team!" On more than one occasion you would find her saying things along the lines of, "I wouldn't know what to do with a girl!?" Well, low and behold, she finally had herself a little girl named Dalys! And she soon figured out some things she could do with a little girl :)

We decided to try and get some pictures of her, as she had just turned a month old. We were both very excited, as it has been a long time since a brand new baby girl has graced the family with her presence.  And so began the pictorial debut of Baby Dalys!

Things we learned the hard way about Baby Dalys:

1. She doesn't just not like hats...

 she HATES hats. No matter how cute she looks in them.

2. The more mad she gets, the more red her little face gets. 

3. The more red her little face gets, her body follows suit. 

 4. If her Momma takes off that silly hat, and holds her for a few minutes, she will fall asleep. Aunt Jessie can then slip silly hat back on, and snap a few pictures after Momma gingerly places her on a fluffy blanket. 

5. If she falls for said trickery, it will not last long. She will become aware and angry very quickly.

6. You fool her once, shame on her. You WILL NOT fool her twice! She will become very suspicious after the first bamboozle takes place. She's got her eye on you!

7. If you promise to do away with the hats, she will entertain the idea of a few pictures on a scale. 

Briefly. Soon, she will become bored with you and your crazy antics. She will then bury her face into her little hands and any and all communication with her will cease. Immediately.

8. Perhaps the most important thing of all: she has got the cutest little face :) She is so stinkin' cute! We are sure lucky to have this little lady in our family!


  1. well oh my goodness, she is just the sweetest little thing! That first hat picture is priceless! I love her little face in the 2nd from last :) And hey, it looks like she at least doesn't mind headbands :)

  2. She is so stinkin' cute! We just laughed and laughed at her face in the second to last one :)
