Friday, March 30, 2012

Another Milestone...

Last Sunday, Ryan and I had plans to weed out our garden and get it ready to plant flowers in the spring. However, I got wind that a couple of my besties wanted to go see The Hunger Games, and those plans abruptly changed ;) I told him we would just worry about the yard work another day, as we were in no hurry. So I got to have a girls' day, and Ryan stayed home and had a daddy-daughter day with Jaylinne.  Turns out the daddy-daughter day consisted of.....weeding the garden! (I told you I have the best husband ever!)

While I was out having my girls' day, Jaylinne- out of nowhere- learned to climb a tree!?! This came as a surprise to me, seeing as how our tree has no glitter, makeup, and/or dress-up dresses anywhere in its proximity. Looks like she wanted to be tough like Dad :)

Although she learned to climb up a tree, she must have been absent the day they taught climbing out of the tree. Looks like she had a rough ride down! It looked pretty bad, but it wasn't anything a little Wizard of Oz and chicken wings didn't cure ;)

1 comment:

  1. awwwww that is the cutest! Yay for her climbing a tree and sad that she got scratched up on the way down! AND heck yes, girls afternoon was fun! Thoroughly enjoyed the movie despite the seat-kicker-trio :)
