Week 1 of kindergarten is officially over! And surprisingly enough, we survived! After the first day I wasn't so sure that would be the outcome ;) Jaylinne didn't seem to be too pleased with the whole situation when we got there to pick her up. As it turns out, she just needed some food in her belly :)
The second day, we were ready for whatever the day threw at us.
Except for a hair-do. If
that's what the world had in mind, well...then the world had another thing coming! Since Jaylinne's hair is so long, it's hard to just leave it down. In what seems like a matter of mere seconds, she manages to gather all sorts of things in it. Peanut butter, tape, dirt, you name it. And between you and I, I'm pretty sure she holds the secret as to the whereabouts of Al Capone in there! Add a little natural curl into the mix and you've got yourself one tangled mess. I decided to try out something new: a mohawk made out of buns. It turned out really cute, but took longer than I was expecting. Bless her heart, she sat and let me do her hair for a good half hour! That might have been the longest half hour in the history of time!
Also on day 2, I decided to try and take advantage of the alone time I had.
Generally, it's pretty hard to clean the floors in our house with my dirty-footed
little helper always two steps behind me. Well...with him at work,
and Jaylinne at school, I
decided to shampoo our carpets! ;) So after I dropped her off for school, I got crazy with the Bissell. I could get used to this kindergarten thing! Besides a scratch she got on her arm, day 2 went down as a success!
For her third day, we decided to let her follicles rest. When I dropped her off at school I got to see her "two best friends." Their names were Sylvia and Emma, and both are just as cute as a button :) After school, we had just enough time to run home, grab a quick snack, change into her soccer clothes, and head to her game. Which is coincidentally where we ran into her "best friend," Savannah ;) As far as I could tell, the Purple Princesses didn't go lightly on the opposing team, and were the victors over the Purple Unicorns. (Woo hoo!)
Friday was a big day. At 8:30 she was scheduled for her 5 year visit with Dr. Anderson at Utah Valley Pediatrics, which went awesome!
Besides being the last day of school before the coveted Labor Day weekend, Friday was also....HER DAD'S BIRTHDAY!?! So we woke up- at what we like to call an ungodly hour in the Sanders household- and we hit the ground running. The first thing she wanted to know was where was Daddy's cake?! Good question little lady, good question. It has been a good week, but I need a nap...and a drink! However, I'm thinking the drink and nap might have to wait until at least
after I pick her up from school ;) Bring it on, kindergarten. I'm fairly certain we can take you!